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Alex Appella

Amandine Nabarra-Piomelli

Amanda Watson-Will

Beth Uzwiak

Charlene Asato

Elsi Vassdal Ellis

Ewa Monika Zebrowski

Francesca Phillips

Frans Baake

Geirmundur Klein

Hanne Niederhausen

Jane Simon

Kristin Flanagan

Laura Russell

Leah Oates

Lila Pickus

Linda Morrow

Louise Levergneux

Michael Clements

Paula Gillen

Susan Brown

In the Reading Room:

Ann Lovett

Bill Westheimer

Emily Artinian

Joan MacDonald

Kevin Laubacher

Michael Peven

Mirabelle Jones

Phillip Zimmerman

Shu-Ju Wang

Tara O'Brien

Tom Finke & Jean Buescher-Bartlett



Francesca Phillips

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


White Monks: A Life in Shadows

black linen, dark brown calf leather, Lambeth cartridge paper,

Calque tracing paper, silver gelatin print

10 x 9 ¼ x 1 ¼

© 2012


The book is full bound in leather and hand sewn, and the cover foil blocked in cream. It is housed in a slipcase, with the recessed photograph on the front a traditional darkroom silver gelatin print. Interior photographs are digitally printed.

Francesca Phillips is a British photographer and documentary filmmaker whose work draws on anthropological practices. Covering a wide spectrum of subjects, she has won awards for her work in both areas, and recently completed a three year long, in-depth portrait of life inside the strict and enclosed monastic order of the Trappists. Selected prints from the book White Monks: A Life in Shadows were exhibited in Spain earlier in 2012 and two more shows are scheduled to take place in the UK in 2013.