
Amy Pirkle
Ania Gilmore/Annie Zeybekoglu
Anne Twigg
Barbara Milman
Beata Wehr
Bryan Kring
C & C Press
Dea Fischer
Denise Stephenson
Elizabeth Holster
Elizabeth Sanford
Elizabeth Sheehan
Ellen Knudson
Emily Chaplain
Erin Paulson
Felicia Rice
Gail Smuda
Geirmundur Klein
Jamie Weaver
Jeff Nilan
Jessica Spring
Jody Arthur
Joshua Orr
Julie Russell-Steuart
Karen Hardy
Kimberly Maher
Lauren Rose Kinney
Linda Everson
Linda Morrow
Linda Piacentini-Yaple
Louisa Boyd
Louise Levergneux
Melissa Rick
Merike van Zanten
Michelle Ray
Ruth McCann
Sammy Seung-min Lee
Sarah Bryant
Servane Briand
Shana Agid
Sun Young Kang
Suzanne Sawyer
Tore Terrasi

Artist Biographies


Karen Hardy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA



handmade flax and abaca papers, linen thread

8 ½ x 5 ½ x ¼

© 2012


Separate considers the roles we fill throughout our lives as both caregiver and dependant. I highlight the conflict between an instinct to nurture and a desire to be unencumbered, and our vacillation between vulnerability and strength. As handmade paper embodies contrasting qualities - translucency and opacity, strength and delicacy - it is an ideal medium for conveying the emotions encompassed by these relationships. I draw on this inherent tension to explore the paradox of our experience.